UML Tool


요즘 써보고있는 UML 툴..

Enterprise Architect

개인적으로는 Mac에서도 쓸 수 있는 ArgoUML 가 좋다는..ㅋ(하지만 써본적은 없음..ㅠㅠ 좀 어려운듯..ㅠㅠ)

뭐.. starUML도 괜찮은듯..

OMG’s list of UML 2.0 Tools:
We have removed OMG’s  list from this page because our UML Vendor list at is set up to be much more comprehensive than we could ever be in a simple table. Click the link and browse our vendor list or, if you are a vendor, follow the link on that page to register your own listing. (When UML 2.0 was new, we put the list on this otherwise technical page to demonstrate early vendor support and availability. Now that UML is mainstream, the list deserves – and gets –  its own space.)

Other Lists of UML Tools (1.X and 2.0):
Mario Jeckle –  UML Tools
Objects by Design list of UML tools


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