drozer는 안드로이드 앱 진단도구로 많이 사용되고 있다.
1. PC에 설치.
https://www.mwrinfosecurity.com/products/drozer/community-edition/ 에서 다운로드.
drozer-installer-2.3.3.zip 사용자 PC에 설치(windows 용)
path 잡아주고 실행하면 끝!
C:\>drozer.bat usage: drozer [COMMAND] Run `drozer [COMMAND] --help` for more usage information. Commands: console start the drozer Console module manage drozer modules server start a drozer Server ssl manage drozer SSL key material exploit generate an exploit to deploy drozer agent create custom drozer Agents payload generate payloads to deploy drozer
2. drozer 앱 을 안드로이드 폰에 설치
좀전에 다운받은 drozer-installer-2.3.3.zip 안에 agent.apk 가 있으니 설치.
C:\> adb install agent.apk
3. 연결
C:\>adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415 C:\>drozer.bat console connect Could not find java. Please ensure that it is installed and on your PATH. If this error persists, specify the path in the ~/.drozer_config file: [executables] java = C:\path\to\java Selecting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (samsung XX-XXXXX X.0) .. ..:. ..o.. .r.. ..a.. . ....... . ..nd ro..idsnemesisand..pr .otectorandroidsneme. .,sisandprotectorandroids+. ..nemesisandprotectorandroidsn:. .emesisandprotectorandroidsnemes.. ..isandp,..,rotectorandro,..,idsnem. .isisandp..rotectorandroid..snemisis. ,andprotectorandroidsnemisisandprotec. .torandroidsnemesisandprotectorandroid. .snemisisandprotectorandroidsnemesisan: .dprotectorandroidsnemesisandprotector. drozer Console (v2.3.3) dz>
C:\Users\사용자\.drozer_config 파일 추가
[executables] java = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20
다시 실행
C:\>drozer.bat console connect Selecting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (samsung XX-XXXXX X.0) .. ..:. ..o.. .r.. ..a.. . ....... . ..nd ro..idsnemesisand..pr .otectorandroidsneme. .,sisandprotectorandroids+. ..nemesisandprotectorandroidsn:. .emesisandprotectorandroidsnemes.. ..isandp,..,rotectorandro,..,idsnem. .isisandp..rotectorandroid..snemisis. ,andprotectorandroidsnemisisandprotec. .torandroidsnemesisandprotectorandroid. .snemisisandprotectorandroidsnemesisan: .dprotectorandroidsnemesisandprotector. drozer Console (v2.3.3) dz> dz> ls app.activity.forintent Find activities that can handle the given intent app.activity.info Gets information about exported activities. app.activity.start Start an Activity app.broadcast.info Get information about broadcast receivers app.broadcast.send Send broadcast using an intent app.package.attacksurface Get attack surface of package app.package.backup Lists packages that use the backup API (returns true on FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP) app.package.debuggable Find debuggable packages app.package.info Get information about installed packages app.package.launchintent Get launch intent of package app.package.list List Packages app.package.manifest Get AndroidManifest.xml of package app.package.native Find Native libraries embedded in the application. app.package.shareduid Look for packages with shared UIDs app.provider.columns List columns in content provider app.provider.delete Delete from a content provider app.provider.download Download a file from a content provider that supports files app.provider.finduri Find referenced content URIs in a package app.provider.info Get information about exported content providers app.provider.insert Insert into a Content Provider app.provider.query Query a content provider app.provider.read Read from a content provider that supports files app.provider.update Update a record in a content provider app.service.info Get information about exported services app.service.send send a Message to a service, and display the reply app.service.start Start Service app.service.stop Stop Service auxiliary.webcontentresolver Start a web service interface to content providers. exploit.pilfer.general.apnprovider Reads APN content provider exploit.pilfer.general.settingsprovider Reads Settings content provider information.datetime Print Date/Time information.deviceinfo Get verbose device information information.permissions Get a list of all permissions used by packages on the device scanner.misc.native Find native components included in packages scanner.misc.readablefiles Find world-readable files in the given folder scanner.misc.secretcodes Search for secret codes that can be used from the dialer scanner.misc.sflagbinaries Find suid/sgid binaries in the given folder (default is /system). scanner.misc.writablefiles Find world-writable files in the given folder scanner.provider.finduris Search for content providers that can be queried from our context. scanner.provider.injection Test content providers for SQL injection vulnerabilities. scanner.provider.sqltables Find tables accessible through SQL injection vulnerabilities. scanner.provider.traversal Test content providers for basic directory traversal vulnerabilities. shell.exec Execute a single Linux command. shell.send Send an ASH shell to a remote listener. shell.start Enter into an interactive Linux shell. tools.file.download Download a File tools.file.md5sum Get md5 Checksum of file tools.file.size Get size of file tools.file.upload Upload a File tools.setup.busybox Install Busybox. tools.setup.minimalsu Prepare 'minimal-su' binary installation on the device. dz>
사용법은 help module명 하면 볼 수 있고, 실행하려면 run module명 옵션 하면된다.
drozer 메뉴얼
drozer demo